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I have no idea how to describe my New Years other than if I were the Devil it couldn't be made much worse but you see I don't beleive that he is walking this Earth as some would lead you to beleive so maybe i'm not him after all especially considering the crap i take in my life and i'm not talking about any medications!
Now that I have that out of the way why is it that every one that i meet that is on Adderall of any type is so damn happy to be on it but the one's I love most in my life would just about kill me with my own medication to get me off of it and prove it doesn't work?
That is quite the chore my friends because i'm here to tell you that it takes a tremendous amount of stress on me for mine not to work like it should unless it is that dad-gum Generic!
I have said in the past regardless of who it is this time that turns me in for expressing the truth for at least one human being that if i had been on it 15-20 years ago my life would be much better Today!
The Generic go ahead and buy it but first buy the Shire and then if you don't like it try the Barr and if you are like I think you may be you'll hate it but no worry's because if you read the right web site maybe you'll be like my loved one's and half crazy but more inclined to want me to be so that is the post for today and God help us if we have to live with generics only that have whatever difference they may have that makes them seem like the product of as john boy and billy would say that church on the service road that proclaims the end of life as we know it on this planet much sooner than later or whatever!
I'm literally worn to a frazzle by the members of my family and the friends they have seemingly contracted to ruin something more than just a feeling of peacefullness but years of my life because they have this God awful Idea that i'm gonna die from something they seem to want me to die a little quicker on and I guess I get to go to Hell for that one but maybe you won't or one of your loved one's!
In fact you know with the hell I've been through that I supposedly deserve but don't because I might not have every memory but I have ever stored but the ones i do have don't add up to the Hell I've paid to be a Shire Man! Except I'd put my life on the line for that company because and I hope I at least got that right so try the generic and if you don't like it because of anything please e-mail me cause well start a petition or I'll have mine tested for Arsenic!
Now are we all up to date on the life and times of a once successfully treated ADHD man because if not I love yall to much not to share my experiences with you!
It might help me to get mine on track if no one called me or spoke to me in an unnatural way like the country song goes about voices because there is no is no such animal unless you are driven insane by some anti-ADHD maniac and that would be a shame considering what two of those babies can do for your life or that of your spouse!
Why not tell it like is so you don't have to worry about not offending anyone!
I sure hope Adderall sticks to that lay-out on their capsules and doesn't keep switching them up cause then you have a real issue with if the damn stuff is the real deal and is it worth it to have such concerns? Yes it is!
I got a bottle last month that had Adderall Xr stamped on it and since I had checked it out prior to taking one I was astonsihed that after the thrid day to my amazement there were capsules that had the stamp reversed and maybe it was my local county mental health center that decided that the hell I was going through was of my own making and switched them out or some other less professional organization but whatever the fact reamins that happened on more than one occassion and it's supposed to be my fault ladies and gentlemen but according to Web Md at least the last time I checked Shire doesn't do that and no one else I have noticed does that because I look and doctors recommend that you in fact do that and concerta had it on the front of their page a few years back that people that dream up all these data and facts on why you can use Therapy first and Medication second which in my experience seems like a waste of time.
Yall it's getting to the point that I even heard a country song almost making fun of us ADHD and ADD people for having to listen to someone be it our father or some coach make us feel like we are insane by preching the gospel of let's make them miserable enough and they will do as we demand and not as is best for the patient! There is more but hey I'm sure I've got enough time to tell you about it later after the Bama Game!
God Bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge!
-Floyd C. Wooley
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