Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Journal Entry 091112-A: OBama-Biden 2012! Data proves the team deserves four more years!

Please give it some thought.

What can any business team accomplish in four years?

I feel a lot can be accomplished but in the private business world it takes "ten" years to feel comfortable as an owner, CEO, what have you!

Our President and his team at the very least deserve our support for eight years; I hope you would agree.

Please use all the major economic, social, international and natural events be your deciding factor for a decision in November 2012 and I hope your decision is to vote for four more years for our President and his team.

President Bush was dealt a terrible hand on all fronts and we gave him eight years, let's do the same for President OBama.

God Bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge!

Floyd Clifton Wooley



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