Sunday, August 24, 2014

Journal Entry 082414-A: These Medications will get me a degree from The University of Alabama or for you the school of your choice!

Customers and Friends,
If you can sit down and dissect a football game on "No Medication" you probably don't need these medications.
If you can't dissect a football game (or Worse) or finish reading this post without "scanning" through the post like I did in High School to pass literature so I didnt fail English/Literature then you might just be ADHD.
If you have to be made "angry" by some bunch of creeps to focus you might just be ADHD and you will never reach your full potential in life!
God Bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge!
Floyd Clifton Wooley
P.S.- Good Luck in Life my friends! Please be wary of family, friends and their influence and money!
Note: I kept the big bottle because on the back in Blue and White is the printed name of Adderral XR by Shire! It helped me so much to have name brand I stopped by Alabama Psychiatric and gave Anita my doctors nurse a hug! I hope she remembers it because it had some meaning.
1. Knowledge Mecicine.
2. Peace and Love Medication

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Journal Entry 081414-A: Poor Robin Williams and his Family!

Friends and Customers,
Poor Robin Williiams and his family!
Yeah they been trashin the hell out of him on every station in stead of focusing on his brilliance tryin to make a buck for rehab and the poor man was sober and blinsided by Parkinson's!
Let's hope they don't spin that out of control for Christ Sakes!
God Bless Robin Williams and his family.
God Bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge!
Floyd Clifton Wooley

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Journal Entry 081414-A: I think I have lost my mind!

Note: This post has nothing to do with this picture but everything on this Planet!
My Yorkshire Terrier "Annabelle Boo Boo Wooley" can be trusted and she trusts me!
I think I've lost my mind.
I'm confused as hell.
Our Special Forces spent 24 hours on that mountain.
Mount Sinjar.
The mountain the #Yazidis are on in #Iraq.
They come back and say "there aren't that many people on the mountain" and "most of them want to stay"!
CNN is still talking about what a terrible situation they are in on that mountain.
Pentagon: Rescue Mission far less likely!
What gives yall?
Does that make sense to you?
They claim the policeman in Ferguson, Missouri has injuries that cannot be disclosed.
Wolf just asked the police chief a simple question.
"Was the officer involved Caucasian?"
The Chiefs answer "No I can not".
Don Lemon who I respect a lot has nothing to gain by saying it but says "Saint Louis is the most prejudice town he has ever worked"!
What gives?
I guess I'm just insane because I believe Don Lemon and that fewer people to evacuate from Mount Sinjar makes the rescue mission more feasible and more likely to be successful!
No wonder a man's father is in Geneva trying to get justice for his dead black son killed in America.
No wonder "torture" can be carried out against private citizens by other private citizens with those that carry out such torture having the feeling and guts to say there will never be any consequences for our actions!
One more thing I would like to say "could one program on Robbin Williams be strictly about his life and successes not to mention his big heart?"
I hope I can say these things without fear of further retribution because yall "I am a God-Damned American Citizens born and bred right here in South Alabama!"
I figure not.
Something I never would have imagined as a child fishing with the black ladies behind my dad's gas station on the Causeway and proudly saying the Pledge of Allegiance or singing the National anthem at Football games with a pride that always to this day brings tears to my eye's NOT that I have been to an Alabama game to speak of since the Arkansas vs Alabama game on September 27, 2003 with my father whom had colon cancer surgery the next summer because my friends "I have been physically and mentally tortured" in America my home so help me God.
I want to affirm that to you my friends-
"I Floyd Clifton Wooley have been tortured physically and mentally in The United States of America" my home! the land of the FREE so help me God. Please always remember that because I dream about it every night!
"Again so help me God!"
I just wanted to remind my reader's of that because it is unbelievable to me that such a thing is allowed by anyone against anyone for anything much less their being born ADHD!
I am actually afraid to say anything else and if you only knew why?
No I am NOT a member of any religion- I simply trust in God and Jesus and unfortunately very few people in any medical profession not to mention very few people at large!
I'll never step foot in another church unless with a new woman in my life and I dread visiting any doctor that I may have to trust my life with because of their "Own" misconceived notions or pre-conceived perceptions except one or two. 
Those that I do trust I only trust as far as I can see them and no one with my life!
That is what being tortured "privately" in America will do to you!
Yes you can be brain washed and I have been during course of being tortured sadly.
I hold on to what got me to that Stadium in 2003 though with my dad and to Jamaica in the Spring of 2004!
The bottom-line?
The people that have "Tortured me physically and mentally will never face any consequences"!
I am at peace with that. Why?
"The first thing that was done to me was to break me financially"! Friends without money in this country nothing is possible and with money anything is possible!"
Friends my door is always open if you need a friend especially if you have been deceived and tortured "Physically and Mentally"!
God Bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge!
Floyd Clifton Wooley

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Journal Entry 081014-A: Jonathon Cash Dedeaux!

Meet my "Newest" Grandson born this afternoon at the Mobile Infirmary!
Jonathon Cash Dedeaux!
9 lbs 5 Ounce's!
The proud parents are Brian Dedeaux and my only daughter Allison Elizabeth Wooley Dedeaux of Daphne, Alabama!
Jonathan is my 7th grandchild I am happy to say!
Congratulations to Brian and my baby girl Allison.
God Bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge!
Floyd Clifton Wooley

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Journal Entry 080914-A: Im so ugly?

I'm so ugly and such a nut-case!
"My dog would leave me if she could!"
God Bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge!
Floyd "Clifton" Wooley

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