The Pelicans were catching a few rays this morning down at Pier Street Landing when my dog Boo Boo and I made our first visit of the day to the ramp to put out a few business card of course made by Vista-Print for goodness sakes! Lol!
Oh lord its been a beautiful day in the Mobile Bay Area so far- to be honest I'm still trying to get myself kick-started fully after Valentine's Day and I didnt do a damn thing!
Anyway I'm gonna grab some lunch and some chocolate my first wife sent me for Valentine's Day that I appreciate very much, grab three of these one-a-days and get back out to those ramps.
Ill just have to try and be prepared for next Valentine's Day!
The main thing is I hope you enjoy the photo and hopefully if you need or want anything for your boat you'll stop by Battleship Marine for your supplies in the coming weeks, months and years!
I'd love to have your business and friendship.
I'll be working on these pages I've started that are located on right side-bar in the coming days to give you a better idea of what I have here at Battleship Marine!
If you visit the advertising page for local businesses you'll find many different types as well as local Marine Businesses that "offer" SERVICE as I do not here at Battleship Marine!
Have a nice week!
God Bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge!
Floyd Clifton Wooley