Customer's and Friend's,
I have an idea for a Church!
I'm actually serious about this even though it sounds insane so please follow along?
How about a Church where our Pets are Welcome.
Everyone is Welcome- I mean Everyone!
We have someone that reads the word of Jesus Christ Only!
The rest of the Service is dedicated to nothing but singing and dancing to our favorite "Positive" Non-Killing No Hell Music!
Oh God the Father and Christ the Son!
What I am about to say next may get me shot but hopefully not.
I've never read the Koran but if there are passages that meet the above criteria then personally "I wouldn't mind hearing them too- if you don't mind me saying so?
I don't want to be NO preacher so maybe the members could take turns reading strictly the words of Jesus- those details could be worked out later.
In fact all the details could be worked out later but what an idea?
No Killing! No Hell! Everyone including our Pets are welcome and plenty of dancing and music!
Have a wonderful day!
Floyd Clifton Wooley
Battleship Marine!
P.S.- We can worry about how the real God, His Son Jesus Christ and their multitude of beings get us to Heaven out in that vast Universe Later!